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专业心理健康管理软件,冥想, 疗愈音乐,AI读心和生物反馈,帮你改善睡眠、减压放松、调节情绪、提高专注及消除疲劳。每天跟随指引练习,帮你恢复理想的情绪状态。











铃铛的梦想是,游学列国,目标100个。如果您也有一个游学梦,如果您也想看看诗意的远方和心中的天下,就请跟着铃铛一起领略列国风貌吧。今天铃铛跟您分享的是一个瑜伽学院——瑞诗凯诗HIMALAYAN YOG ASHRAM瑜伽学院。


Yogi Ram出生在瑞诗凯诗的一个传统的婆罗门家庭。自从他还是个小男孩,印度的传统财富就是他生命的一部分。在他哪个年龄的时候,他已经强烈地渴望深入探索自然和生命的奥秘。


Swami Hanuman Giri(Guru ji)是Ram的导师。Guru ji在森林和喜马拉雅高山研究他的sadhana 己经超过35年。他曾经并且仍然完全专注于自我实现的科学。他在ashram 的存在就是一个巨大的祝福。


Ashram成立于2012年。过去5年来,许多精神追求者为了丰富他们自己,来此参加教师培训或印度Ayurvedic healing计划。

Himalayan Yog Ashram坐落在瑞诗凯诗一个非常安静的地区Tapovan,Laxman Jhula。 我们四面环山,流淌不息的恒河在此区域立即舒缓和平静下来。 即使在夏天,这个特殊的地区也有着细细的微风!

通过留校,你将获得一个有用的环境来净化和重新连接你的精神世界。 我们都在追求永恒的快乐(有意或无意)而居住在这个神圣的地方,这里正在等待我们重新发现它。

ashram的日常指导是由瑜伽师Yogi Ram完成的,并由他的Guru Swami Hanuman Giri的恩典发起。


Yoga Teacher Training

200 hr - 31 days - Yoga Alliance Certified

Awaken the teacher in you!

Do you wish to become an excellent Yoga Teacher based on inner experiences and profound knowledge? This training educates motivated spiritual seekers into Yoga Masters. The content is alive knowledge passed on by our Masters. You will dive into the Royal Path of Yoga and into re-connecting with your True nature.

If this resonates with your heart...

our passionate teachers would love to work with you!

About the 200hr Yoga Teacher Training

designed with the Himalayan Yoga Masters


In collaboration with our Traditional Masters we have designed a program that counts in total 3 levels.

Level 1 – Yoga Teacher Training

Level 2 – Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

Level 3 – Yoga Master Training

Every level is a 1 month training and gradually you grow from student to Yoga Master.

The first level is accessible for all students and with passing the exam you become a Certified Yoga Alliance Yoga Teacher and can start to teach Yoga everywhere around the World.

To continue to a next level a gap of 1 year minimum is needed to integrate the level before.

The course is Yoga Alliance Certified

What will you learn:

Asana, Mudra, Bandha, Satkarma. Students will learn 60 asanas (and 18 asanas in dept), 8 pranayamas, the main bandhas, yogiccleansings techniques (Satkarmas)and yoga relaxation techniques like yoga nidra.

Meditation, different techniques of meditation will be experienced and learned. During the course meditation practice will be there for 1 hour daily.

Teaching Methodology: Asanas will be studied, the basic steps of building up the asana, physical and energetic alignment, the limitations and benefits of each asana on physical, mental and spiritual level. 18 asanas will be studied in dept, the meaning of each asana, it’s history and purpose.

Yoga Philosophy: Behind the Yoga practice an incredible knowledge is present, passed through the Himalayan Masters on to their disciples. In Yoga Philosophy class the Patanjali Yoga Sutras will be studied

Anatomy & Physiology of body, mind and soul

Sound Therapy (Chanting). Participants learn to develop devotion and Bhakti Yoga.

How to design a practice and class. Communication techniques, time management, priorities and boundaries.

Teaching practicum. Demonstrating asanas, designing class with feedback from the trainers and your peers

Q&A and life stories of Yogis. Daily time for question and answers, for sharing about most existential life questions, like what is the main purpose of life, the ego, karma, what does transformation mean, how to come to inner peace etc.. Also life stories of the great Yogis will be shared.

Study Program in detail - YTT level 1

Yoga Asanas

- What is the difference between gymnastic and yoga

- Practice, Anatomy & Philosophy of asanas (60 asanas and 18 asanas in dept)

- What is an asana, it’s history, purpose, how to perform

- How to teach 60 classical poses, from which 18 asanas are studied in dept

- How to make proper environment for class

- Basic structure of a Yoga class

- Yoga asana modifications & corrections for all levels

- Deep relaxation / Yog Nidra


- Practice & Philosophy of Pranayama

- What is the importance of pranayama

- Different techniques of pranayama

- Bandhas and kriyas

Practice & Philosophy of Bandha

- 3 Bandhas: Jalandhara, Moola, Uddiyana

- Shat kriyas


- Practice & Philosophy of Mudra


- What is Meditation

- Meditation vs Concentration

- Different methods and of Meditation

Yoga philosophy

- Introduction in Yoga, Introduction of Vedas and Upanishad

- The 5 major philosofical systems of India

- The four paths of Yoga - Jnana, Raja, Bhakti and Karma.

- Sankhya Philosophy (Theory about the evolution of consciousness)

- The five elements: How the 5 elements work and how to understand them?

- Tanmatras (attributes of the senses and the senses)

- Kundalini Science (Naadis & chakras)

Patanjali Yoga Sutras, Samadhi Pada:

Ashtanga, the 8 limbs of Yoga

Panch Koshas – 5 sheats of consciousness

Anatomy of mind & soul (ego, intellect)

Patterns of the mind

Introduction in sacred rituals

- opening and closing ceremony with traditional fire ritual

- 1 day taking bath in Ganga with sacred ritual of Peace

Ayurveda and your constitution

- What is the definition of Ayurveda, it’s origin from the Vedas, it’s history

- Approach of Ayurveda on Human potential

- The Human Constitution according to Ayurveda – Tridosha

- Functions of Tridosha

- Explanation of vata constitution, pitta constitution, kapha constitution (prakriti)

- How to stay healthy? What can you do by yourself?

- Diet: food types according to the effect on doshas

- Which are the basic important herbs for general health?

- What is a healthy Lifestyle and routine in general?

- How Yoga and Ayurveda are working together for health and spiritual growth

Anatomy & Essential human physiology

- 8 main body system of the human body

- How to prevent injury

- Disorders and their indications for yoga practice

Teaching methodology for Teaching

- Demonstration of the asanas step by step

- Class guidance on physical, mental and spiritual level

- Correction per asana

- Communication techniques

- Structuring and planning the class

Ashram Stay (regular)

6 - 13 - 20 or 27 nights

starts every Monday

Experience of Yogic lifestyle

Do you wish to work on your inner Self by heart? A retreat in the ashram provides space for this. It's a total experience of Yogic and Ayurvedic Lifestyle with meaningfull practices, sharings on true yogic subjects and space to be.


- daily Yoga and Meditation

- inspirational teachings

- disciplined routine

- space and guidance to go within

- healthy Ayurvedic Vegetarian lifestyle

- simple room with necessary comfort


The asana class is a complete sequence of asanas, mudras and bandhas. In the early morning we start with pranayama. The yoga asana class is a complete sequence of asanas, mudras and bandhas. During sunset we meditate. On different days in the week there is also Yoga Theory or Satsang.


In the afternoon 3.45pm - 5.00pm (mon - fri) we offer a yoga therapy class. It's an inspiring mixture of asanas, pranayama and relaxation combined with personal attention for any specific need or wish(es) of the participant. It can be booked additionally to the Ashram Stay.


We offer all kind of Ayurvedic treatments like Shirodhara, Abyanga (Ayurvedic Massage) and several kind of basti's for rejuvenating the body and relaxing the mind. Treatments are not included in the Ashram Stay but can be booked separatly.

Ayurvedic Detox Program

6 nights

starts every Monday

Do you feel to purify body, mind and heart?

When the physical and mental body are cleaned up, we can start to feel the spiritual body, our center of real happiness. This detox program is combining physical and mental cleaning, by using Ayurvedic Detox treatments, Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation. If you are looking for a deep inner cleanse on body, mind and heart, this is your program.


- Intake session and daily guidance by our Qualified Ayurvedic Therapist

- 6 day fast with juices, sweet potato and soup (and to built up kitchery)

- 1 Colon Cleansing

- 1 Nabhi Basti (Ayurvedic oil treatment to stimulate the digestive fire)

- 1 Lower or Upper Back Basti (Ayurvedic oil treatment)

- 2 Ayurvedic massage


- Toxins get removed from the digestive system,

- Stimulates the flow of prana.

- Strengthens muscles, joints and helps in hormone secretion of all glands.

- Increases one’s awareness, one’s capacity to think, to digest, to feel and express.

Ayurvedic AntiStress Program

6 - 13 or 20 nights starts every Monday

Are you longing for stress relieve and inner peace?

How can we enjoy all things we are striving to achieve, if one is lacking for energy? Stress is the greatest threat in this modern society, the root cause of a variety of symptoms, including anxiety, tiredness, increased anger, relationships problems, eating disorders, depression, inability to focus, stress headaches, insomnia and a variety of stress-related diseases.Are you coping with one or more of the list above then this program can be of great help.


- Intake session and daily guidance by our Qualified Ayurvedic Therapist

- Yoga Therapy class (mon - fri: mix of asanas, breathing techniques & yoga nidra)

- 2 Basti (Healing Ayurvedic Oil Treatments)

- 1 Ayurvedic massage with herbal oil to take out all stress of the muscles

- 1 Healing massage

- 1 Shirodhara treatment


- Greatly releaves stress and strain

- Increasing peace of the mind and decreases hypertension, anxiety, tiredness, anger.

- Improves harmonious sleep and makes the brain more fresh and healthy.

- Helps to develop a positive attitude towards life.

Personal Intensive

6 , 13 or 20 nights

starts every Monday

Tailor made healing program.

The personal intensive is a tailor made healing program. After your arrival you get an intake. Based upon your personal needs we compose a program fitting to uplift your body, mind and spirit.

how is the weekly treatment?

- intake session and daily guidance by our Qualified Ayurvedic & Yoga Therapist

upon your condition a personal healing program will be made, this includes:

- 5 treatments

- yoga therapy class (mon - fri: mix of asanas, breathing techniques & yoga nidra)

Advanced Asana Course

6 days

learn stepwise 10 advanced asanas

To learn more advanced asanas we need an example, helpful tips, a good warming up and sincere practice. This course is all about that! With Yoga Master Teju you will explore a sequence of advanced asanas.


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